by Michel Chossudovsky

from Scribd Website




PART I - September 11

  1. Background - Behind September

  2. Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

  3. Washington Supports International Terrorism

  4. Cover Up or Complicity?

PART II - War and Globalization

  1. War and the Hidden Agenda

  2. The Trans-Afghan Pipeline

  3. America’s War Machine

  4. The American Empire

  5. Disarming the New World Order

  6. Political Deception - the Missing Link Behind 9/11

PART III - The Disinformation Campaign

  1. War Propaganda - Fabricating an Outside Enemy

  2. 9/11 and the Iran-Contra Scandal

  3. Providing a Face to the Enemy - Who Is Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi?

  4. Protecting Al Qaeda Fighters in the War Theater

PART IV - The New World Order

  1. War Criminals in High Office

  2. The Spoils of War - Afghanistan’s Multibillion-Dollar Heroin Trade

  3. Foreknowledge of 9/11

  4. On the Morning of 9/11 - What Happened on the Planes?

  5. America’s Preemptive War Doctrine

  6. The Post 9/11 Terror Alerts

  7. Big Brother - Towards the Homeland Security State

  8. The London 7/7 Bomb Attacks